new thread!
(too old to reply)
2003-08-17 18:36:42 UTC
Nothing to say, just thought I'd say hello.


Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)
2003-08-18 01:28:04 UTC
On Sun, 17 Aug 2003 19:36:42 +0100, Jacquelooney
Post by Jacquelooney
Nothing to say, just thought I'd say hello.

The Anchorage Zoo has another baby yak. I tried to scan the newspaper
photo, but my scanner software appears to be malfed.

It's been cold and rainy for the last month. You Scotlanders would
feel right at home.

"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather, because it is easier to harrass
rich women than it is motorcycle gangs." - Bumper Sticker
(This sig file contains not less than 80% recycled SPAM)

Sarcasm is my sword, Apathy is my shield.
2003-08-18 13:04:58 UTC
Post by Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)
The Anchorage Zoo has another baby yak.
Awww! :D Glasgow Zoo is closing this month, and about time too. Cruel,
sad place :o( It was not a good example of how to look after animals.
Post by Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)
I tried to scan the newspaper
photo, but my scanner software appears to be malfed.
I've got a cracking pic of two of my kitties hugging. I've put it on
ratemykitten.com but they've not approved it yet, bah.
Post by Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)
It's been cold and rainy for the last month. You Scotlanders would
feel right at home.
We've been having something of a heatwave in the UK recently. I think it
got to 100 degrees in the south of England last week, it's been in the
80s here anyway. Veh hot. Everybody moans. It rains: everybody moans. It
snows: everybody moans. It goes sunny: everybody moans. People are never
happy. I'm happy though. For no reason in particular :oD
2003-08-21 17:51:44 UTC
oooh, oooh, email it to me.
I emailed to your hotmail account and it bounced back! Can't remember
your other one.
Daniel Camp
2003-08-25 14:56:44 UTC
Our greatest spy satellites tell us Jacquelooney didn't
leave this on his/her roof:
||| Daniel Camp wrote:
|||| oooh, oooh, email it to me.
|| I emailed to your hotmail account and it bounced back!


|| Can't remember your other one.

Well, it doesn't matter, since I checked out the link.
But thanks for trying.

.sigs, the best of!
If there is a .sig you'd like to see here, hallucinate.

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
But Xpyd^WDR_Buddha isn't, he'll steal
your noodles, and eat them!

i.e. check your mails for viruses yerselz.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.510 / Virus Database: 307 - Release Date: 14/08/03

2003-08-23 11:52:02 UTC
I've got a cracking pic of two of my kitties hugging. .

Hmm... very nice, but it looks a little stagey to me. You didn't tell them
to pose for the camera, did you?
last week, it's been in the 80s here anyway. Veh hot. Everybody >moans. It
rains: everybody moans. It snows: everybody moans. >It goes sunny: everybody
moans. People are never happy. I'm >happy though. For no reason in
particular :oD
I like it snowing and raining!
The weather's been extreme here, too. It's late winter and the temperature
has hit the low 40s. Brrr.

Have you heard of the updated remake of "The Exorcist"? It concerns a
mother who wants to pay the Devil to get the priest out of her son.
