(too old to reply)
Eric Smith
2003-12-17 05:16:09 UTC
The Gospel Poem

God is mighty in His power
And gives grace to see you through
His love is shown through Jesus
Whose Blood was shed for you

Crucified to the cross
All our sins He did bear
He died that day at Calvary
Because of His great care

They laid Him in a tomb
The third day He was raised
By the power of the Spirit
For this we give Him Praise

He first appeared to Mary
Whom seven demons had possessed
She ran and told the disciples
But they doubted like the rest

He appeared to them at dinner
In the midst of them He came
Commanded them to preach
In His Holy name

Taken up into a cloud
The disciples watched Him go
To the right-hand of the Father
Through Him we now know

He now intercedes in Heaven
So with boldness to the Throne
We approach with Holy reverence
Because God's grace is known

His Gospel is everlasting
And as stewards of this we know
That someday we'll be with Jesus
With our garments as white as snow

And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to
every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he
who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow
those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will
speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink
anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on
the sick, and they will recover." Mark 16:15-18
Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)
2003-12-18 04:48:13 UTC
Post by Eric Smith
The Gospel Poem
God is mighty in His power
And gives grace to see you through
His love is shown through Jesus
Whose Blood was shed for you
I scanned through this Vogon Poetry Exhibit, and there was not one
damned thing about yaks, barfing, or otherwise. What is your problem?

"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather, because it is easier to harrass
rich women than it is motorcycle gangs." - Bumper Sticker
(This sig file contains not less than 80% recycled SPAM)

Sarcasm is my sword, Apathy is my shield.
2003-12-18 16:29:24 UTC
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 19:48:13 -0900, "Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)"
Merry Christmas VG!!! You snowed in yet?

The Almighty Yak Facsimile
2003-12-18 17:06:25 UTC
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 16:29:24 +0000, Jacqueline
Post by Jacqueline
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 19:48:13 -0900, "Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)"
Merry Christmas VG!!! You snowed in yet?
Why don't you go up there and "warm him up" a wee bit, HE-HE-HE.
2003-12-18 17:41:59 UTC
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 17:06:25 GMT, The Almighty Yak Facsimile
Post by The Almighty Yak Facsimile
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 16:29:24 +0000, Jacqueline
Post by Jacqueline
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 19:48:13 -0900, "Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)"
Merry Christmas VG!!! You snowed in yet?
Why don't you go up there and "warm him up" a wee bit, HE-HE-HE.
Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)
2003-12-20 20:47:08 UTC
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 17:41:59 +0000, Jacqueline
Post by Jacqueline
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 17:06:25 GMT, The Almighty Yak Facsimile
Post by The Almighty Yak Facsimile
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 16:29:24 +0000, Jacqueline
Post by Jacqueline
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 19:48:13 -0900, "Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)"
Merry Christmas VG!!! You snowed in yet?
Why don't you go up there and "warm him up" a wee bit, HE-HE-HE.
Merry Christmas to ME!

"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather, because it is easier to harrass
rich women than it is motorcycle gangs." - Bumper Sticker
(This sig file contains not less than 80% recycled SPAM)

Sarcasm is my sword, Apathy is my shield.
Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)
2003-12-20 20:46:20 UTC
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 16:29:24 +0000, Jacqueline
Post by Jacqueline
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 19:48:13 -0900, "Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)"
Merry Christmas VG!!! You snowed in yet?
You wouldn't believe.

Just yesterday, I was walking past my boss' office, after having just
been outside for a smoke, and remarked that it was "snowing like a son
of a bitch" outside. He said, "How does a son of a bitch snow,
exactly?" I pointed to his window, and said, "Just like that." He
turned around, looked out his window, and said, "Son of a bitch!"

"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather, because it is easier to harrass
rich women than it is motorcycle gangs." - Bumper Sticker
(This sig file contains not less than 80% recycled SPAM)

Sarcasm is my sword, Apathy is my shield.
2003-12-22 14:10:25 UTC
On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 11:46:20 -0900, "Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)"
Post by The Almighty Yak Facsimile
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 16:29:24 +0000, Jacqueline
Post by Jacqueline
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 19:48:13 -0900, "Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)"
Merry Christmas VG!!! You snowed in yet?
You wouldn't believe.
Just yesterday, I was walking past my boss' office, after having just
been outside for a smoke, and remarked that it was "snowing like a son
of a bitch" outside. He said, "How does a son of a bitch snow,
exactly?" I pointed to his window, and said, "Just like that." He
turned around, looked out his window, and said, "Son of a bitch!"
:-D You are so lucky! We had some flakes on Saturday but it didn't last *sigh* I think i'll move to Alaska.
2003-12-26 04:17:28 UTC
Post by The Almighty Yak Facsimile
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 16:29:24 +0000, Jacqueline
Post by Jacqueline
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 19:48:13 -0900, "Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)"
Merry Christmas VG!!! You snowed in yet?
You wouldn't believe.
Just yesterday, I was walking past my boss' office, after having just
been outside for a smoke, and remarked that it was "snowing like a son
of a bitch" outside. He said, "How does a son of a bitch snow,
exactly?" I pointed to his window, and said, "Just like that." He
turned around, looked out his window, and said, "Son of a bitch!"
I would believe.

My Sis in Anchorage sent photos of her yard. The snow is higher than
her car dojo and one can no longer see top of fence. She said more was

It rather made me twice about pulling up stakes for Anchorage.

Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)
2003-12-27 05:07:49 UTC
Post by DrLilith
Post by The Almighty Yak Facsimile
On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 16:29:24 +0000, Jacqueline
Post by Jacqueline
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 19:48:13 -0900, "Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)"
Merry Christmas VG!!! You snowed in yet?
You wouldn't believe.
Just yesterday, I was walking past my boss' office, after having just
been outside for a smoke, and remarked that it was "snowing like a son
of a bitch" outside. He said, "How does a son of a bitch snow,
exactly?" I pointed to his window, and said, "Just like that." He
turned around, looked out his window, and said, "Son of a bitch!"
I would believe.
My Sis in Anchorage sent photos of her yard. The snow is higher than
her car dojo and one can no longer see top of fence. She said more was
It rather made me twice about pulling up stakes for Anchorage.
In the last 16 years, I don't think I've seen a storm like this.
Three days of almost non-stop, HEAVY snow, one day of just a little,
and then two more heavy snow days. We're buried up to our asses.
Sunday night, I went out like a good boy, cleared the mass of snow off
my truck, caught the snowplow guy at my neighbor's house, had him plow
my driveway, and by Monday morning you couldn't tell I had done any of
it. I would post some pictures of it, just so you could all see what
we're dealing with, but picture of snow-on-snow don't really come out
very good, and now that it's turned ball-shriveling cold, I have no
intention of staying out there long enough to figure out how to get a
good picture. You'll just have to take my word for it. It's a LOT of
damned snow!

"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather, because it is easier to harrass
rich women than it is motorcycle gangs." - Bumper Sticker
(This sig file contains not less than 80% recycled SPAM)

Sarcasm is my sword, Apathy is my shield.
2003-12-27 09:15:25 UTC
Our greatest spy satellites tell us Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy) didn't
leave this on his/her roof:
|| In the last 16 years, I don't think I've seen a storm like this.
|| Three days of almost non-stop, HEAVY snow, one day of just a little,
|| and then two more heavy snow days. We're buried up to our asses.

I suggest you get a horse, they're taller.

|| Sunday night, I went out like a good boy, cleared the mass of snow off
|| my truck, caught the snowplow guy at my neighbor's house, had him plow
|| my driveway, and by Monday morning you couldn't tell I had done any of
|| it.

ahahahaha. I know that feeling, not with snow, but leaves...
but I mean, I bet the others don't know the felling as well

|| I would post some pictures of it, just so you could all see what
|| we're dealing with, but picture of snow-on-snow don't really come out
|| very good, and now that it's turned ball-shriveling cold, I have no
|| intention of staying out there long enough to figure out how to get a
|| good picture. You'll just have to take my word for it. It's a LOT of
|| damned snow!

Couldn't you go upstairs and take a pic of your car on the driveway?

Alternatively if that doesn't give enough perspective, ring one
of your neighbours up, and tell em you can see their dog on the
drive.... when they turn up, take a picture of them, showing us
all the snow. You may find it easiest to then pretend not to be

2003-12-28 00:57:27 UTC
Post by dead
|| I would post some pictures of it, just so you could all see what
|| we're dealing with, but picture of snow-on-snow don't really come out
|| very good, and now that it's turned ball-shriveling cold, I have no
|| intention of staying out there long enough to figure out how to get a
|| good picture. You'll just have to take my word for it. It's a LOT of
|| damned snow!
Couldn't you go upstairs and take a pic of your car on the driveway?
Alternatively if that doesn't give enough perspective, ring one
of your neighbours up, and tell em you can see their dog on the
drive.... when they turn up, take a picture of them, showing us
all the snow. You may find it easiest to then pretend not to be
the photo my sis sent was from an angle above (her house toward the
garage, and the snow was up to the eaves of the garage and in spots
above the eaves and onto the roof of the garage. I am not sure how tall
her garage is, nor if some of that snow had blown there as a drift, but
it wasn't snow that slid off the garage roof, as that was still there.

She said she was spending several hours a day with an electric snow
shovel thing and could not keep up.

nasty...I used to think eastern Washington could be pretty bad. On rare
occasions we'd get 2 feet of snow and that could pile up from the road
scraping to higher than 4 feet..one did not dare to not keep the
driveway opened for once it froze all together the drive could not be
used until the thaw. We all put flags on the antennae and once it was
like slot-cars downtown. But that was very very rare.

You gots my sympathy VG...digging out 2-3x a day isn't fun at all.

hope it stops and wears down a bit. Hey, do the bears and moose get on
the roofs when it gets that high? heh.

Friar Jack
2003-12-29 23:08:39 UTC
A Strongbad Poem

Trogdor mighty in His power
Gives to you his fiery breath
While folks yell "FUCK!" and "JESUS!"
He shows them fiery death

Trogdor is so damn boss
Consummate V's he wears
He does not care for chivalry
Flying through the night air

He is like a phat bomb
The countryside he razed
With his hot flaming dragon spit
On peasants' heads did graze

He burninated Mary
Like a great demon with his zest
She ran with her head on fire
Because her long hair burned best

He ate the village for dinner
They were all raw when he came
But soon they cooked and screached
In His bad ass flame

Can you see the big black cloud
Just watch them run to and fro
Through mothers, sons, and fathers
His dragon breath does blow

He burninates the heavens
And makes all the angels groan
And you will catch this reference
Where homestarrunner's known

While Trogdor is burninating
His funny cartoon you may know
If you go and look up Strongbad
And watch his little dragon show

Bugs & Hisses,
Friar Jack

2003-12-30 00:37:49 UTC
On 29 Dec 2003 15:08:39 -0800, ***@hotmail.com (Friar Jack)

Praise the Yak, you're alive!

Funnily enough, I checked out your weblog last week for the first time
in *ages*. Fascinating stuff. I told everybody about your decaying
neighbour! How the devil are you sir?
Friar Jack
2003-12-31 13:21:58 UTC
I am just dandy. Actually, I am a truck driver now. Fancy that! I get
paid more than most college graduates to wander about the states and a
few provinces, too. I'd still rather be making music (Hymns to the
Yak, of course), but this will pay for that. Sorry I don't have enough
time to read all the posts going back. How have you been?

May the Yak bless your new year.
Friar Jack (FYI: Mexicans pronounce "Jack" as "Yak.")
Alan Third
2004-01-01 02:09:25 UTC
On 31 Dec 2003 05:21:58 -0800
Post by Friar Jack
I am just dandy. Actually, I am a truck driver now. Fancy that! I get
paid more than most college graduates to wander about the states and a
few provinces, too.
It wouldn't be hard to get paid more than this university graduate...

Shoulda learned to drive a truck instead of going to uni...

Glad to see you have survived!

Happy new year!
Alan Third
Friar Jack
2004-01-02 00:14:34 UTC
Good to hear from you Mr. Alan, sir! I got to spend New Year's Eve
with my friend Dmitri. We drank vodka around a campfire (Ketle One is
some nasty swill!) and his father played some bardic songs - in
Russian. It was a good night even though I couldn't understand most of
what they said. How was yours?

I'll be going out on the road soon for 28 days. The e-mail address on
this accound is just a spam hole, but I do check one Yahoo gave me
using the handle j122777b. Say... where is that barfing yak website

Have a safe leap year,
Friar Jack
Alan Third
2004-01-02 15:13:19 UTC
On 1 Jan 2004 16:14:34 -0800
Post by Friar Jack
Good to hear from you Mr. Alan, sir! I got to spend New Year's Eve
with my friend Dmitri. We drank vodka around a campfire (Ketle One is
some nasty swill!) and his father played some bardic songs - in
Russian. It was a good night even though I couldn't understand most of
what they said. How was yours?
I just stayed in and took advantage of an empty house to play
guitar at loud volumes. :)
Post by Friar Jack
I'll be going out on the road soon for 28 days. The e-mail address on
this accound is just a spam hole, but I do check one Yahoo gave me
using the handle j122777b. Say... where is that barfing yak website
I don't think we have one just now... The last one disappeared...
Alan Third
2004-01-03 20:01:06 UTC
Post by Friar Jack
I am just dandy. Actually, I am a truck driver now. Fancy that!
I saw that on your journal! Good grief, you never fail to surprise!
Post by Friar Jack
I get
paid more than most college graduates to wander about the states and a
few provinces, too. I'd still rather be making music (Hymns to the
Yak, of course), but this will pay for that. Sorry I don't have enough
time to read all the posts going back. How have you been?
I'm fine 'n dandy also. Nobody posts much here any more, you're not
missing much...
